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It is back to 1999-2000 when occurred the idea to create an association with the purpose to help and to support children and youngsters from East Timor. This is linked to the tragic incidents after the referendum of 1999 and the impressive and breaking images of families trying to find a refuge and a safe place in the mountains.

Portugal, through its ministry of education, drove our contacts to the enclave of Oecusse where, even after the independence, very little and scarce help and support arrived. This is when we knew about the presence there of a missionary station from the religious congregation Franciscan Sisters of Divine Providence “Irmãs Franciscanas da Divina Providência”, with their headquarters in Fátima, Portugal.

Since 2004, having successfully identified a reliable interlocutor in the field, Associação Por Timor” started its support to projects and several working activities carried out by the “Sisters”.

Arrived in Oecusse in Abril 2002, the Sisters created and built the “Centro Social de Nossa Senhora de Fátima” (CSNSF) where they welcome children and young people from Padiae and also from other “sucos” (communities and small municipalities). Beneficiaries of the CSNSF receive every day meals and educational and social support and follow-up. The CSNSF also works as the main contact point for the “lusofonia” (the Portuguese speaking network around the world).

“Associação Por Timor” aims to promote contact between children and young people from Portugal and East Timor, where the “lusofonia” is a common point of interest and represents their common roots. Even though material needs in East Timor are enormous, it is paramount for young Portuguese to be aware and to be able to assess and to compare differences if they are formed and grow up as responsible citizens.

Over the recent years “Associação Por Timor” has been working, mainly from its headquarters in Brussels, by promoting and supporting collections of school and educational material and to support sanitarian education in the enclave. Raising funds where young people, adults and volunteers are deeply involved is one of the main ways to gather efforts. The purpose is to enrich with experience and results for both sides, donors and beneficiaries.

A patronage program, whereby more than 45 children from the Padiae Mission benefit, is being implemented since 2007.

In 2012 started another interesting program “A house for Oecusse”, from which large and poor families deeply affected by endemic diseases (such as leprosies and tuberculosis) benefit. The program sponsors the construction of basic houses with the purpose to definitely break promiscuity and miserable living conditions.

We are

We are a group of “good will people”, willing to give

We are parents, pupils, anonymous citizens who do not want to remain indifferent

We are a group of civilians willing to participate in the good relationship between Portugal and East Timor


What we have?

We have energy and enthusiasm to give, imagination and creativity. We will share what we have, to put together what each can give to help build a better future for the youth.

What we want?

We want to grow as citizens in solidarity, sharing projects between generations, awakening new desires to look at a country like Timor as a brother country who wanted to have Portuguese as their mother tongue, against all geographic logic. We want you to join their enthusiasm to ours, join their good will and energy to be all better!

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